I have to admit that when Mike and I planned out the training plan for this week I felt like it was not enough. I suggested several added exercises and changes but he ultimately decided that it going to be tough and that I didn't need to pile on more. I went with it, and boy am I glad that I did.
You never know how you are going to feel about a planned workout until you are doing it. It's easy to modify and adjust during a workout to suit your needs at that time, as long as you are willing to allow yourself to. This also requires another important skill - you have to know the difference between what you can do, pushing yourself to accomplish new challenges, and what is physically beyond your ability in the moment.
Mike is my motivator. He is such a great encourager and without him I couldn't do this. Today I had this feeling like I couldn't take a short cut. I wanted to finish exactly what we had planned, and be okay with adjusting my pace so that I was able to do it.
Today we ran one mile on the track and ran the stairs on one set of bleachers each time we came to them. The bleachers had three aisles for spectators to go up and we ran up and down each set of stairs. The first time around we ran the small stairs, second time we ran up the actual seats. It was like running every other stair and it was HARD. I didn't really run the stairs except for the first time around. I went as fast as I could, and that was ok with me.
When we would reach the top of the stairs, we could see into our backyard because we live that close to the football field. We left our two dogs back there when we left and we could see them! Mike called to them and they saw us! It was really neat. I was exhausted but I still felt proud of my performance. It wasn't the fast paced super tough workout I had envisioned (because of course I saw myself like a super in shape athlete zooming around the track and up the bleachers), but I was satisfied.
I made ten grain pancakes with blueberries and peanut butter for breakfast and they tasted amazing! The dogs liked them, too! =)
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